The Most Current and Accurate Real Estate Information
NWMLS is the source for real estate listings and news in the Northwest.
MLS Database

Matrix, the MLS database, provides lightning fast access to listings using advanced search capabilities, an integrated tax and property records database, dynamic map searching, “market update” features to quickly view price changes and new listings since the member’s last search, broker tour and open house information, broker reports and client handouts. NWMLS has also integrated other tools into Matrix, such as Down Payment Resource, to assist buyers with down payment options; the INRIXTM Drive Time search feature, which narrows properties based on the buyer’s preferred commute time; and a variety of statistical reporting tools.
Property Records Database

Realist is a powerful, all-in-one parcel map and search screen that is integrated with Matrix listing data, tax data, and Realist ValueMap estimated valuations. It allows members to identify properties; view MLS listings, tax sales and foreclosure information; locate zip code, city, county and school district boundaries; view flood maps; and print or email comprehensive reports. Realist’s coverage area includes properties in every county in Washington.
Monday Update

The Monday Update is a weekly bulletin outlining important system enhancements, upcoming events, industry/law changes, and informational tips. The Monday Update is emailed to Designated Brokers, Branch Managers and Member Appraisers one day prior to online publication, and is an excellent resource for managing brokers to use when planning office meetings.
Legal Bulletins

Legal Bulletins explain legislative and regulatory matters affecting the real estate industry, including business and procedural changes, statewide form revisions, and legal changes affecting real estate professionals.
Monthly Statistical Reports

We provide a Market Update news release each month, highlighting the latest activity and trends of the real estate market. Members can access detailed statistical information on our members-only website.
Real Estate News & Insights

Read industry related news such as technology updates, timely articles, the latest NWMLS press releases, and tips from accomplished professionals.
NWMLS Publications

We provide a variety of publications to keep our members informed of changes affecting the real estate industry.