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Statewide Form Rules

Statewide Forms Rules

Rule 60: Furnished Without Responsibility.

NWMLS forms are furnished to members without liability or warranty. Use of NWMLS forms is voluntary except where specifically required by rule (e.g., listing and status report forms).


Rule 61: Copyright Protection.

  1. No Republication. NWMLS forms, legal bulletins, and other written materials produced by NWMLS are protected by copyright and may not be republished on the Internet or in any other medium, except with the express consent of NWMLS.
  2. Alterations Prohibited. NWMLS forms are protected by copyright, and the pre-printed text, whether in hardcopy or electronic form, may be interlineated but may not be altered without NWMLS’s express written consent. A member altering text of a form in violation of this rule shall be liable to any other member suffering damages as a result.


Rule 62: Limitation on Use.

NWMLS forms are designed for use by trained real estate professionals only and, therefore, NWMLS strongly cautions against their use by anyone other than real estate brokers trained in the use of the forms and lawyers. Members may only provide forms to third parties in hard copy or via Xpress Forms but in no other medium. Forms provided to third parties must be the then-current version of the form and the pre-printed text must not be altered by the member or the third party as provided in Rule 61. The member providing the form to a third party agrees to (1) indemnify, defend and hold NWMLS harmless from any claim or liability resulting from the third party’s use of the form(s); and (2) to be liable to any other member suffering damages as a result of any alteration of the form(s) so provided, as though the member made the alterations itself in violation of Rule 61.


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